Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mardi Gras Parade

Today we enjoyed the afternoon with fun, food, and a parade!  We were invited to go to one of Bob's co-workers Aunt's house for pre-parade food and company and post-parade food and company.  Her home was on the back side of the parade so we were able to walk out her backdoor onto the parade route (and they saved space with their chairs!).  Perfect!  The food they shared was delicious - all homemade - quiche, biscuits, sweet potato pie, and the list goes on!

It became a little awkward at one point... my wonderful son asked a question... loudly.  (He was completely being innocent, but still embarrassing or a good teaching moment, or both?)  Let me preface with... Bill, Bob's coworker is African American.  As we are sitting in the living room eating the delicious food, RJ says, "Why do all these people have brown skin?," at which the grandmother (late 80's?!) says, "Oh honey, that's just the way God made us!"  Whew!  Thank goodness she was good with it... I continued by explaining about skin color and everyone is different... but, I am SURE my cheeks were bright RED with embarrassment!

Parade was fun, the kiddos got candy and most importantly saw Santa at the end of the parade!  Everyone had a blast... although it was a bit chilly!!!!

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