Friday, November 7, 2014


This is my blog, and I just need to vent... I will probably remove this before long, but just need to get it out.  I don't have many friend. I know that. I am good with that.  (well, most of the time.)  Tonight someone I consider a friend really hurt me.

My SIL is having a painting party tonight.  You go, they tell you how to paint and then your painting comes out just like theirs.  Many problems with this for me:

1. I am NOT artistic
2. I do  NOT like to embarrass myself when I KNOW I am not good at something
3. I will not know ANYONE or if I do, I will have to pretend I care to talk to them... which I probably won't
4. It is a 45 minute drive from my house
5. It is a Friday night and I just want to curl up in my PJs and watch TV and go to bed EARLY
6. It is a tree with those snowflakes are POLK-A-DOTS! Yea, yea, they are snowflakes, but they really are POLK-A-DOTS.

A couple weeks ago I asked a friend I used to work with if she wanted to go... after having many of the same worries I did she said she would go... oh and p.s. the studio is a 4 minute walk from her house!

At 5:20 tonight she texted, not called, but texted and said she was 'pooped' and just couldn't come out tonight.  She had a crazy long day.  

Seriously?!  What?!  You kidding me?  I responded with a disappointed text.  Her response, "Guess I am a shitty friend."  My response back... yes.  

NOW, I am leaving in like 5 minutes... to go somewhere I have many reasons why I don't want to go... to spend $35.00 that I don't really want to waste on a painting that I am not going to like even if it is perfect... insert polk-a-dots here... and... believe me, it won't be perfect... so it will most likely go in a corner or in the trash... by myself and have to put on my happy face even though I don't want to be going... BUT I am a better person than my said 'friend' and can't back out on someone at the LAST minute when they are counting on me to be there!

Ok... done vent... 

oh...and p.s.... as I was typing this, Oreo just jumped up on the kitchen table and ate half of the left over cake from the kiddos party... guess that is one way to get rid of it...

gotta go drive now.......later..........

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