Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rides at the beach! {Part 1}

We went on rides most nights while at the beach.  I figured a few each night versus hours one night... we will see if I continue to feel that way next year, but for now, it worked!  I also think the kiddos were too tired to do more than an hour in the rides area. 
Riding antique cars!
Silly RJ wanted to sit here, not on a horse?!
Or did Daddy persuade?
Thomas train ride around Wonderland!
This was a five ticket ride!!  
BUT... RJ only asked to go on it once the entire time we were down... guess he is growing out of the train phase.  Makes me happy... but pretty sad too!

Roller Coaster time!
That notice sign warns you -- this ride goes around two times! ha!

All the kiddos loved this one!
I LOVE RJ's silly expression for the camera!

The pirate boat! 
Uncle Bobby isn't soo sure...
Felicity didn't like it at the end either,
But Morgan did!
RJ trying the swings for the first time!
The flying machine!

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