Thursday, August 8, 2013

Baby Parade 2013!!!

Morgan's second and RJ's first!

...and probably the last for the Lee family!

Bob worked extremely hard on this float entry!  He actually completed most of it in the hottest week of summer when the humidity was deadly and the sun was worse!!  Although I helped him (helped = hours of work) he still did double the amount I did as this was his vision, his baby from the beginning!

I think he did a great job!  The kiddos loved it!  
...and it didn't fall apart!  Perfect!
 Here is the float that won in our division...

 Another float in our division...
Division A & B 
(Not our divisions, just other cute ones I liked!!)


Although not in our division, this was the overall winner...
oh...and he could ring his bell and it worked!
Holy cow, this one deserved to win!

After completing the parade down the boardwalk the kiddos hit two rides as a 'reward'

Then we posed for a quick photo...

We headed to the Tuckahoe Inn where we ate supper on the 'docks' next to a beach!  There was also a live band.  Both kids were in a good mood!  Score!!

And as we headed home...

To all a good night and sweet dreams!

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