Sunday, April 8, 2012

Great Easter Morning!

Not only is this day joyous due to our Lord... but I also have personal joy in the fact that Bob was able to be home to celebrate Jesus' rising from the dead and the delight in Morgan and RJ's faces as they found all the hidden eggs and treasures in baskets that the Easter Bunny hid for them!
Finding eggs!
...and baskets
I had to add this shot b/c I think I actually look good here! :)

Overall, Easter Morning was a success! Kids got up earlier than I had planned... but it gave us time to do our egg hunt, Easter basket hunt, and ACTUALLY enjoy it! Then off to church for a mass that was decorated throughout with beautiful flowers.
This was a cross made of flowers standing on the alter.

We were also lucky that getting there 10 minutes early was enough to land us in Morgan's favorite spot... the front row. Although Mass was decorated beautifully, unfortunately the homily was a bit far fetched and didn't even really talk about Easter... and mass was a bit longer due to the twice-a-year-goers... BUT, the kiddos did well, did I mention we brought some Easter candy with us? Hey- whatever you've got to do!

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