I am still feeling hesitant about my decision for Morgan. I know SHE will be fine. I just want to make sure she is going to learn. The curriculum (except the Spanish) are things she can ALREADY do. I don't want to be paying all this money for her to just socialize. I can socialize her on my own! I just wish she had a later birthday or an earlier birthday so it didn't make me feel guilty about not sending her to kindergarten like many of her friends, when deep in my heart I know she is ready and would do great!
And... I need to talk to RJ's teacher to tell her about his speech services and his frustration when he is redirected to another activity. Especially if there is anything train-like in the room.
So... hopefully their teachers will call me and I can discuss my concerns about both of them.
RJ and Morgan came home and Daddy said they did well. RJ only had a slight meltdown when he made him leave. Guess that is a good thing?
When I asked Morgan about her new teacher she answered with, "My teacher has short hair (with hand motion) and RJ's teacher has long beautiful hair." I just love her comments!!
~~my Soap Box: I will ALWAYS be T.H.A.T. parent!! I want what is best for my child. I won't be rude about it, but I will get what is needed for my child to be successful!! Whether it be extra work to push them or more support when they struggle. Sorry Morgan and RJ, I am T.H.A.T. Momma!~~
Helping your child when they are struggling is fine....but I'm totally embarrassed - and you should know how it feels to have "THAT PARENT" and what it is like for teachers to deal with that....I hope beyond hope you don't use the word "BORED" with Morgan's teacher, because that is the ONE WORD that bugs the crap out of me! She won't be bored...she will learn even if you think the work is too easy for her - my readers in Kindergarten ALWAYS leave me at a higher level, even if I didn't get to give them harder work, or do reading groups with them....but they always leave at a higher reading level!!! (Okay, that was MY SOAPBOX!!!) LOVE YOU SISTER!
P.S. I might not be able to read your blog this school year if the blogs have to do with school and the decisions you did/did not make....Morgan WON'T be bored!! Trust me!
I would not use the word bored with her teacher. I just asked that she assess her current ability. you will understand when you are a parent. I don't want to spend, correct that WASTE money if she won't learn more than she already knows. Maybe I should home school.
p.s. if you don't like what I am writing, you can always just look at the pictures!
Love you sis
love you too *wink*
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