Friday, June 14, 2024

Camp Cadet

RJ completed Camp Cadet run by the state police this past week! We are so proud of him. Dad signed him up and did not tell him how 'hard core' this was going to be! It was 5am wake up calls starting with physical activity followed by bunk cleaning all before breakfast. Long days - taught a lot of things - and saw some cool activities. Although he said he hated it, we are proud of him, and he completed it! That bubba-boo of ours IS capable when he is forced and puts his mind to it!

Drop off time!

Check in!

Look at that face, haha!

RJ's cabin for the week

The following pictures were taken from social media, can you find RJ?

Time for the ceremony!

Getting his certificate!

Time for after ceremony required pictures, haha!

The letter we got mailed home to us from RJ. Oh brother, haha.

Awesome accomplishment RJ!

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