Tuesday, April 16, 2013

RJ Swimming

Two weeks ago we had some craziness... RJ decided he just wasn't going to swim anymore.  He screamed and yelled and caused a fit!  SO... I warned him if he didn't swim I would be entering the pool and forcing him to do things he would REALLY.NOT.WANT.TO.DO.

Well... on his last chance he was fussing and taking away from Morgan's lesson SO on went my bathing suit and in I went.  RJ was dunked under by me at least 5 times and then he decided he better comply to my wishes.  He blew bubbles, he kicked his legs, he swam on his own, and he floated on his back, all with minimal 'freak outs.'  If he started to fuss I threatened a dunk under... and that shaped him up big time.  At the end of MY lesson with him I dunked him under one more time for 'safe keeping' and to remind him of his warning!!  Hence, the last two weeks he has no longer been the devil to his instructor, I wouldn't say angel, but she commented to me, "wow, he is a different kid!"

A little Momma Magic at work again....

Great job Morgan and RJ!

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