Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Here is Morgan's homework.  She said she had homework and wanted to complete it by herself.  I watched her going around the kitchen busily, getting scissors, crayons, and glue.  She sat at the island working on her homework.  When she was done she said she would leave it there to dry (as I always tell her to). 

Later in the evening I went to collect her dried homework and couldn't understand why it looked really, really greasy.  When I asked Morgan she said, "I don't know Momma.  I didn't use a blue crayon.  I just colored it and glued it."  I finished cleaning up the island of her supplies...

Morgan said, "I thought it was glue Momma.  I'm sorry."  
I was not mad at all, in fact I had some good belly laughs!! 
I am still smiling a couple days later at Morgan's innocent mistake!  
(p.s. her teacher got a kick out of it too!  I put her creativity in a plastic bag and sent it in to school.) 

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