Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fun all around!

A fun filled Saturday!

It is official!  Morgan is a soccer player!!

Last night we went to a 'meet and greet' with her coach.  It literally was high I'm Steve, here is everything you need, done.  Morgan came home with her uniform, a new soccer ball, and a water bottle.  She got more excited and gave a fashion show when we got home last night.  So cute!!

Today was her first 'game.'  I guess it is just a lot of running around at this age... I mean... they haven't even practiced at all! Well... maybe for 10 minutes before the game!

She did great!



Morgan is learning how to play soccer!  She seems to like it!  She does need reminders to 'get in there' and be NOT afraid to kick the ball... but hopefully this will come with time!

After the game we rushed out the door to RJ's classmate's birthday party!  Gracie really enjoys RJ and RJ was excited to go to a birthday party for HIS friend!  Morgan was also invited to come along.  That lucky girl!!  It was a lot of fun!  The had a big moon bounce, a trampoline, a pinata and yummy food! 

We all had a blast!!

Kiddos took great naps after that fun filled morning and afternoon!!

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