Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A moment to remember...

This morning Morgan acted out putting her Elmo to sleep. She laid out her blanket flat for Elmo to lay on, laid him down on his belly, and covered him up with her second blanket. She then rubbed his back and sang him "Rock-a-bye-baby," leaned down and gave him a kiss and said sweet dreams, I love you Elmo, night-night." Her actions were so adorable... and then I realized that she was following the exact routine that I do for her at night!

Today Morgan wore big girl underpants all day! She had one major poop in her underpants (YUCK!!!) but no pee accidents! She gets a marshmallow when she goes in the potty... never knew a mini marshmallows would be so enticing!!

Morgan and RJ played together for a little while. I love watching them interact! It really does melt my heart!

RJ is finally starting to eat!! Today he had banana for breakfast, avocado for lunch, and banana for supper. MMM! Granted he doesn't eat A LOT, and lets me know when he is done, but he actually didn't complain for several bites! He loves his puffs too... wish they had more substance in them!!

Did I also mention we have a turtle that has adopted our back yard?!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Morgan is going to kill you in 10 years when she sees this picture of her on the "potty" hahaha! Very cool about the "acting out" and the big girl underpants! She's growing up really quickly all of a sudden!