Sunday, April 5, 2009


Momma...what is Morgan doing to me?

"Kiss RJ Momma"

As I sit here at 6:23 am I really think it is 7:23...explanation...I have a 'smart' alarm clock...obviously it out-smarted me this morning! I needed to wake up at 7:00am to get ready for class today...well my alarm clock went off when it said it was 7:00... I just couldn't figure out why I felt sooo tired! The clock on our fios box said 6:14 as I pulled myself out of bed...hmmm... that clock must be wrong I thought... I got downstairs and looked at every clock in the house... only 6:20. WHAT?!?!? What is going on... as my brain started functioning... oh....... I am now assuming that this weekend was the original daylight savings weekend...and my clock was programmed before daylight savings was bumped up. URGH...I got an hour less of sleep this morning. Well that really stinks!!

I am headed to my graduate class again today. It is a great way to get three graduate credits... two weekends... Fri (4:30-9:30), and Sat & Sun (8:00-5:00) each day. I am taking a class called ADHD: What Educators Need to Know. The teacher is admittedly ADHD himself and tells stories like crazy. He has shorted our hours and is easy to follow. That is the best type of teacher! So far so good...and the only requirements is a group project and a 5 page paper due two weeks after the last class. Pretty easy to handle the requirements!

RJ is officially sitting up on his own for a good 60 seconds or more without tipping over! I can't believe how fast he has grown...I know I always say that... but it is so true!! With Morgan I remember thinking "I can't wait until she..." with RJ I want him to stay little and not to get bigger... but it isn't working! He is growing up no matter what I tell him!

Morgan is doing better... she FINALLY pooped!! Daddy said she had 4 poops on his watch yesterday! Thank goodness!! The meds are finally kicking in!!! On Friday I had to 'help' her by pulling her legs apart when she tried to squeeze tight. She fought me, but it got a little 'stopper' out and apparently that was what she needed...evidenced by yesterday's flow... (Sorry...too much info for some!)

I better run and eat breakfast and get a cup of hot cocoa since I do have the extra time! Happy Sunday...happy Palm Sunday!

playing with their little oven together (kind of)

Yum yum RJ...pretend to eat this turkey!

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