Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Bayberry Candle

I was curious about the Bayberry candle myth... Mom has always lit a bayberry candle on Christmas Eve and suggested I do the same.  I try to remember... most Christmas Eve's I  have remembered, lol.  Mom has always said if it burns down you will endure good luck.  I just said ok and went with it... but I decided this year to read up on the lure.  I found a combination of the following on different websites:

"The appreciation for the rarity of the bayberry candles and the value placed on them caused the giving or receiving of the candles to be thought of as a significant gesture of love and friendship.  The history behind the bayberry candles formed the tradition to burn them on Christmas Eve and/or New Year's Eve.  The colonists cherished the bayberry candles.  The production of bayberry wax was a tedious process.  Besides, for one pound of wax, almost 9 pounds of the berries were required.  So this became an item of luxury, and hence, was kept for special occasions only.  Owing to its scarcity and value, the tradition of burning these candles were restricted to the darkest times of the year, winter.  It is believed that letting these candles burn to the core would make for an abundant life filled with joy.  The following is the most common poem to be recited when lighting the candle":

This bayberry candle is a gift from a friend
on Christmas Eve burn it down to the end
A bayberry candle burned down to the socket
brings luck to the home and wealth to the pocket

 Lit the candle (late) Christmas Eve night
Christmas morning!
Let's hope for a prosperous year!

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