Friday, November 17, 2017

Morgan's 11th bday!

How is this possible!  I have an 11 year old!  It has been 11 years since I became a Momma?!  Wow!

Morgan, you are such a sweet, intelligent, beautiful young girl.  You are always willing to help, follow directions (most of the time) and make good choices.  You are kind to others and always welcome new friends into your life.  You consider yourself a 'cool' kid even though you say you aren't 'popular.'  Don't ever forget that!  You are a COOL kid!  Cool is always better than popular!!  Even when you don't think so!

You are doing amazing in school, taking the 'plus' classes meaning one step above the normal grade level.  You complete almost all your homework on your own and don't ask for help anymore.  You are reading thick chapter books and completing book clubs at school about them.  You are also a great dancer.  Although you don't love your new studio, you are adapting and your new instructor, Ms. Jennifer says you are doing a great job.  You have to remember 2 out of the 3 classes you are dancing with 14 and 15 year olds!  That is an amazing talent you are showing off!! You are turning into your own person and are more particular about what you wear, your hair, and you even started wearing eye make-up, especially mascara to school.  I love you more than words can say, please stay your sweet, kindhearted gal you are and don't ever get sucked under by peer pressure!

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