Sunday, October 29, 2017

Extracting Honey

What a procedure!  It is done!

First... super exciting that we actually got enough honey to extract some this year!!  Bob's dream come true!!  Bob decided we didn't have enough though to rent a real extractor... so... we did it by hand.  What a sticky, long, multi-person task!!  It is done, we got lots of honey and already have people who want to buy some!  Feels good that people actually want the honey we helped the bees procure!
Look at all that honey... 
this frame weighed at least 5 or 6 pounds... full!!

Step 1... we hair dried the frame to melt the wax and allow the honey to come to the surface
Step 2... scraping down the honey off the frame into a big sanitized tub.
Step 3... repeat, repeat, repeat!!

Step 4... we had to strain out the wax... way to sticky a mess for Bob or I to take pictures of that step
Step 5... all hands on board, no pictures to be taken... boo... funneling wax into each of our bottles with our logo!  Wahoo!
Step 6... tada!

I don't love honey, but I took a few 'honey shots' straight into the mouth from our personal bottle and it was super sweet!!  Pretty neat this product was created literally in our own backyard... lots of tender loving care was put into the bees... so thank you bees for returning the favor...

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