Saturday, January 23, 2016

Blizzard is here!

And not a blizzard from Dairy Queen!  Not many pictures to post from today... I got out of bed around 7am and took a little time to myself before everyone got up... Around 9:30 I headed outside and snow-blowed and shoveled our driveway, sidewalks, and our neighbor's driveway.  I came in around 2:30 to eat lunch, Bob had made grilled cheese and cream of mushroom soup.  I whipped up a batch of MeMom's raisin breads and dried my clothes.  Around 4pm I went back out and felt like I was starting over!  The drifts were a killer!  I finished up and came in around 7pm.  We had chili for supper thanks to Bob!

As for the kiddos... RJ went out super early but only lasted a short time... then they went out a couple more times, but each time they really only lasted 20-30 minutes!  They complained it was too cold and too deep!  I agree, the wind made it really cold!!  And it was deep too :)  Especially where the drifts were!

Hopefully tomorrow we play more when the wind has died down a bit!

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