Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mothers Day Appreciation at the Phillies!

Long story short, Bob was working and the Rounay family (Luke to be specific) had the stomach bug and Pop Pop got the stomach bug... so no where for my kiddos to go BUT with me!

We ended up having a great time!  Left around 1, got there right around 2.  Played in the Phanatic Zone for a bit, played a couple Phanatic games and then chilled in our seats.  Believe it or not, the kiddos did very well!  Better than last time!  
Phanatic game, run as fast as you can and try to beat the other players around the bases... good thing the kiddo don't realize that big kids = faster running = Morgan and RJ will never be the 'winner'.  Still get a stamp for playing and having fun though.  I didn't realize it, but after a certain amount of stamps you can earn a little prize, and for free. We'll see if we ever get enough stamps for a prize!

 Almost a catastrophe when the face painting lady did not hear Morgan correctly and just drew a bat on her cheek.  She had asked for a baseball... we went to the other gal and added a ball, whew, all is well in the world again!

Silly kiddos!

 Cotton Candy! (one bag shared = less sugar!)

Shots to try and get Momma in her hat!
Morgan's first try, finger over part of the picture...
 RJ's try....blurry...
 Morgan's second try...
 Momma's try!

Hot dogs, fries, and some cotton candy.  Perfect afternoon at the ball park.  Did I mention it was chilly though?  We wore our heavy coats and I had even brought hats and gloves on the safe side... we didn't quite need them, although I might have...

After we got home I had Morgan, RJ, and me take pictures of me in my new hat.  It is a bit big ;)

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