Sunday, March 24, 2013

So Frustrated...with Blogger!

I have had all day yesterday and all day today to work on catching up my blog... but guess what... Blogger is being screwy and I can't upload any pictures.  URGH!

On an upside...I have went on to the site teachers-pay-teachers and have downloaded SOOOOOOOOO many free resources!  Not paying an ounce and now have too many materials to remember...

what a waste of the weekend... *sigh*

After three restarts blogger is finally letting me Sunday night at 8:45 pm.  Urgh... here are two shot of Morgan from Satruday...  poor baby girl

Her little body has been the host to a 101 - 103 degree fever all weekend.  Thank goodness she doesn't have school tomorrow.  Easter break for her...

p.s....I think we need more Lysol! I am a maniac with that stuff!

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