Saturday, March 10, 2012

A March Saturday.

Early risers today started off our Saturday earlier than I would have liked! I guess taking over three hour late afternoon naps helped them catch up on their sleep yesterday afternoon. Some early morning cuddling on the couch started off the day for the three of us. Daddy had the 3-3 shift so he was still sleeping in the bedroom.

After cuddling off to run some errands. Pick up some presents for Morgan's upcoming birthday parties, some random odds and ends for around the house, and a new DVD or two. I also picked up some things for Easter.

Next we headed to a traveling consignment sale that was in Quakertown this weekend. Kind of disappointed in the selection this year. Hoping to spend about one hundred bucks to get both kid's spring and summer clothes... walked away only spending $18.00. I guess better that I don't buy unless I really like OR need the things for RJ and Morgan. I didn't feel like the selection was nearly as good as this past fall and I got to the one this past fall three hours later than this time. Oh well. You win some (like scoring a three piece suit for RJ at the fall sale for $15.00 that he wore to Kelsey's wedding), you lose some!

Got home, ate some lunch, visited with Daddy, played some computer games, RJ had a nose bleed (Yuck), and off to naps the kiddos went. I kinda feel like a nap right now, but the Phillies' game is winning out (while I try to do laundry and clean up the house a bit)!

Our morning breakfast consisted of donuts that were on sale at the store this week. Yum!

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