Saturday, June 18, 2011


Today Daddy had a lot of fun! He got up early and went up to Jim Thorpe to go on a mountain bike ride with some buddies. He had a nice time and got in around 4:30 this afternoon. While Daddy was out enjoying himself the kiddos and I did some garage sale shopping and theAdd Imagen running a few other errands. I got a neat kiddie rug and a couple little toys for my classroom. I wasn't too impressed with the sales today, but I was happy to get out! I enjoy looking even if I don't buy!

Soon after Daddy got home and Morgan woke up from nap the two of them went to a party that Daddy said he usually goes to while he's at work every year. Guess they had fun since they didn't get home until after 10pm.

Why they were gone RJ and I ate supper, cleaned dishes, did laundry, watered the garden, and picked up dog poop. Doesn't our evening sound like a blast? (I was offered to go with Daddy but that meant I would have had to shower and look nice and I just didn't feel like it).

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