Well today was the big day...
Morgan's second set of tubes (a cinch) and adenoids removed (bite nails, nervous part).
Then Dr. Germiller the ENT came in and spoke with me briefly to remind me of what was going to happen. Morgan even drank the giggle juice that she refused in her first set of tubes and that RJ has refused both times! Yea Morgan!! My really compliant little girl! She and I chatted for a few more minutes and then the nurses came back to take her away. No tears involved, she just laid quietly as they wheeled her away! As we were sitting and going through all the steps leading up to the surgery Morgan asked me several different questions including, "Did RJ have a gown? Did RJ sit on the bed like me? How will I not fall off the bed? Are you coming with me? If I take a nap now (which is what I called it) do I have to take a nap later too? Why?" The questions went on and on... BUT only when the nurses were out of ear shot. She didn't really talk much in front of them! My quiet little peanut.
Morgan was wheeled away and away to the waiting room I went. I had a cup of coffee and tried to do some school work, but my mind really couldn't focus. I watched some morning talk show on TV and tried to not clock-watch... although I have to say I think I saw every minute. I knew it would be ok, but when I knew my baby was under anesthesia it was a little scary!! 46 minutes later the anesthesiologist came out and said she was out of surgery and his part went well. He explained that Morgan had a small airway so he had to put the trach (breathing tube) into her airway a little different than normal. He said there were no complications and she did well. He warned me that Morgan would still have a teeth separator in her mouth to keep the airway open while she was sleeping. A few minutes later Dr. Germiller came out and talked to me about the procedure. He said the tubes went in fine and that a lot of sticky dark liquid was suctioned out of her ears. He said her adenoids were medium-large sized and for her petite features they were most probably blocking the Eustachian Tube from draining properly. He said there were no complications with either part of the procedure. He felt pretty confident that we should see no more fluid issues in her ears, and that we will NEVER need tubes again for her! (Let's keep our fingers crossed!)
A few minutes after he left my side the nurse came out to get me. She said Morgan was still sleeping deeply, but I should come back so she saw a familiar face when she woke up. I was back there only five minutes or so before she woke up and was very disoriented, but didn't scream or holler like RJ had. Whew!! I'm glad, because that is a really hard part when you just can't comfort your baby no matter what you say or how you hold your precious baby. They hooked up another TV for her to watch Beauty and the Beast and she had a burst of tears every once in a while because she hated the splint they had attached to her leg with the IV. She ate a yummy cherry icee and then it was soon time to go. The nurse went over all the information about when to be concerned, and medications to give. They strongly suggested giving her the prescribed pain medication (a strong narcotic that I had to call the pharmacy a week ahead of time to make sure they had it in stock!!) for the rest of today and for the next day, or most probably through Sunday every four hours. Starting on Sunday they said it could be up to me whether she needs it or if I could wean her off of it. I was warned that she could not go to school if still on the mediation. The nurse also warned me that it would make Morgan a little bit not herself. I was also told that I needed to keep a diary of how much Morgan drank and when I did give the pain medicine to her. She has to drink at least 20 ounces of liquid a day. I am hoping she will cooperate with that!! I don't have to worry about today because they gave her a full bag of liquid through her IV, but starting tomorrow I need to keep an eye on her and 'force' her to drink enough!! Quickly after finishing up the directives for home Morgan got changed into her PJ's and we headed home. She opted for me to carry her, even though she was offered a wheelchair!
We got in the car and Morgan was a perfect angel as we drove home. We stopped at the drive through McDonald's and got a large orange high-c because she loves that drink and headed the rest of the way home. At one point Morgan said, "Momma, my eyes hurt." I told her to close them and she dozed for about 10 minutes in the car. We dropped off her prescription to the pharmacy and then came home. She woke up as I turned the car off and we headed in. She was not herself, but she didn't cry or fuss!! We cuddled on the couch and she ate two bowls of sherbet! Yum!!
Around 1:30 she started to really wake up and started playing. That was the time for her pain medication and she said no, her throat didn't hurt and she didn't want any medication. I kept asking her, but she didn't want any... so I wasn't going to force her!! She went down for a nap around 2:30 with no medication given. I was a bit worried when she woke up from her nap she would be in terrible pain, but around 6pm when she woke up she was as happy as a clam and said her throat didn't hurt. I asked her if she wanted any medicine and she said, "Silly Momma, I said my throat is feeling better. You don't need medicine if you are feeling better." RIGHT, thanks Morgan, silly Momma!
She ate a great supper, and played outside after supper. We had a little bit of a fight over the ear drops, but she did take them. I asked her if she wanted any medicine for her throat and she said no. Off to bed... let's hope she sleeps through the night and that she isn't feeling HORRIBLE tomorrow!
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