Monday, September 6, 2010

Mountain Trip

We went up to Bradford County for the weekend! Mark and his family, and Josh and his family went up to their land. We rented a small rancher for the weekend. It was a perfect set up! We had lots of campfire time and good outside quality family time!! We rode around on the four wheeler all weekend, and barely got into the car! It was just so relaxing to be in the middle of nowhere!!

Friday night we crossed over into New York and went to the Tioga Downs, Horse Racing Track. They had a delicious seafood buffet and the kids really enjoyed watching the horses race!

This was just too cute!! The kids looking out onto some of the land attached to our rented rancher.

We took an early morning walk in the back yard of our rented rancher. We came across a pond that we investigated, and got some pictures on the hay bales. Morgan wasn't such a fan, but RJ LOVED sitting on them and didn't really want to get down! Silly RJ!

Saturday afternoon we visited a local cheese factory. Then we headed to the winery and sat outside on the deck and enjoyed our newly bought cheese and wine! It was a nice relaxing day!

On Sunday we hiked on Josh's land. He had created a trail through some of his land. Morgan and RJ had a blast!!

Here is a picture of Morgan enjoying a 4 Wheeler ride with the Mallery Family.

A neighbor across the street from Josh and Mark's land who lives here full time had this cool golf cart type vehicle. The kids loved taking rides on it! If you look real close you can see Morgan, RJ, Madison Mallery, and two dogs going for the ride! Full car!!

We had an exhausting weekend! Can you tell? Morgan thought RJ might want some friends with him! After he fell asleep she laid Mr. Mouse and George next to him. He didn't even stir! I can't remember the last time he just fell asleep while watching TV! I guess the outdoor weather and minimal naps all weekend wore.him.out!

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