Monday, January 26, 2009

Just a quick note...

What is Daddy saying?

Today was a great day at swim class! Morgan laughed and played around in the water like a little fish! Still won't let me totally let go of her, but she is getting closer!

Their colds are worse! Still runny noses, coughs, and sneezes like crazy with lots of Momma hand washing...but other than that they are still completely full of energy! (Thank goodness Morgan understands the concept of hand washing!) RJ had another rough night waking up every 1-2 hours with a cough or sneeze so that led to a rough night for me too, but somehow we managed through the day and are hoping for a better night tonight!

Bob had to work today so the kiddos and I went out to eat with MeMom and PopPop. They were very well behaved at the restaurant. We had a very friendly and attentive African American man as our waiter. I had to nurse RJ (VERY discretely) at the table... Our waiter came over and I guess noticed what I was doing and commented, "I see we are ALL eating here" and as soon as he said it if you could see a black man blush...he was as red as an apple! I don't think he realized what he was saying until he said it! Now, remember I wasn't showing a bit of skin, he just noticed the position and put two and two together! I got a good chuckle out of it, I wasn't at all embarrassed!

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