11 months ago
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
10 months!
I can't believe RJ is 10 months old today!! Wow!! The time goes soo quickly! He is amazing, still a Momma's boy, and needy, but I am enjoying it while I can!!
This picture of RJ Daddy calls "Preppy meets surfer"
Morgan cleaning blueberries...
RJ wonders... "Can I eat some... I mean help you?"
"Oh, that's right...now I remember"
"Ok Momma...I am not grabbing RJ"
"Say What?

Bubba... you always make me smile... with your still gummy smile and your silly faces... I have loved all ten months with you... although at times you have tried my patience how can I stay mad at you??!! Happy 10 month birthday!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I was Morgan-less today! Daddy took Morgan and her Baby Parade airplane down to the shore today and left little Bubba with me! I actually missed my little girl today! RJ and I had fun! We played with his toy tables, he ate like a champ... a whole banana for breakfast, a whole avocado for lunch, and lots of chicken for supper! He seems to be drooling a lot today... he is either getting a cold or maybe starting to teeth? He still has no teeth... Morgan got hers around 11 months... RJ is almost (tomorrow) 10 months!
It is amazing what RJ can use to play with. We got a diaper delivery today and he had so much fun holding onto the diaper boxes and cruising along from one box to another. He loved the air filled bubbles that came in the boxes. I am so in love with my little boy! I was very nervous when I was pregnant that I may not have enough love to go around, but I was so far from the truth!!
We also took a walk today. We ran into a couple with their new puppy... RJ just lit up when he saw the pup! He was smiling and giggling... just like his sister when she was that young... dogs make him so happy... the more energy they have the more he likes them!!
I did have a moment today after RJ woke up from his LONG - for him (45 minutes) nap when he cuddled against me with his head on my shoulder that I realized in one month I will not be with my kiddos daily anymore, that I will have to re-join the workforce and go back to teaching. Tears dripped out of my eyes... which RJ thought was funny... go figure... he doesn't know what is coming... I am really enjoying all my time I have with my precious babies... time really does fly by!
Did I mention... I also washed the kitchen floor, vacuumed the rugs, did laundry, dishes too!
RJ is doing this funny close his eyes thing now when the light on my camera comes on... too cute! I just love him!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
errands, Errands, ERRANDS and blacktop
Today was errand day!! I wanted to buy some things for our beach trip to get a head start, and had to grocery shopping...it had been a good two weeks! The kiddos were very well behaved! Three different stops and no tears or meltdowns! I was impressed!!
Before we left I was rough housing with Morgan... we were playing airplane where she laid on my legs and I flip her over my head onto her feet. She loves it and we can do it twenty or more times until I'm pooped! Today we had a slight accident... she was VERY excited to play the game and she had her new flip flops on (usually we play in bare feet). I flipped her over and she wasn't able to grip the floor with her feet and continued going... splat her face went right into the floor... she looked at me like "Momma... what did you do that for?" When I saw the blood... I grabbed her up and then her tears started... she refused to suck on ice, an ice pop or a frozen chocolate bar...so I held a wet washrag to her mouth... I was so worried it was a tooth... but I also had to remind myself that I remember hearing somewhere that mouth injuries bleed more... When her mouth stopped gushing I looked and realized that her teeth had gone up into her upper lip and given it a good slice... but after twenty or so minutes it stopped bleeding and she was fine again... tough girl! I felt horrible! I will be very careful next time we play.
Complete change of topic... our driveway was paved today! It was scheduled for tomorrow, but it was paved today! Wow! They were actually ahead of schedule! The driveway looks ok... I see a few lines but we have until next March (our one year fix-up time) to see how the driveway lasts!
Aunt Melanie came over today and took Carleigh home! I think Lacey was a bit bummed! Below are a few pictures from over the weekend of Morgan reading to Carleigh and Lacey. It was too cute... she asked if she could read to them and I wasn't going to say no!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Just another Monday...
Today started out with a whirl... Daddy overslept! I woke up at 6:45 (what time Daddy is usually already at station) to find him still in a deep sleep next to me! WAKE UP!!!! Thank goodness I somehow woke up!! He made it to the station by 7am exactly...how he did it I'm not sure!! Shower, Shave, Dressing, and Driving all in less than fifteen minutes!!
Morgan also slept late today! She didn't wake up until 10:05! Sleepy head... RJ was up around 8:45... not too shabby for him either!
Swim class was fun today. Morgan choose to swim with MeMom and I got RJ! She listened better today and let MeMom hold her during the class. Last week she was Ms. Independent and wanted only to swim by herself the whole time! She is definitely enjoying the 'swim by herself' thing! We even got a bit of a longer class because the next class only had two little ones in it... so we got an extra twenty minutes or so until Morgan was done!
After we got home RJ fell asleep in the car for about an hour nap and I was sure Morgan would take a great nap... WRONG! She sang songs... everything from singing about going potty to twinkle twinkle, to her ABC's... for over two hours! Guess she wasn't going to go to sleep!!
RJ ate like crazy at supper... chicken and avocado... mmm! Morgan ate her beans (edamama) and a few bites of chicken. PLEASE EAT!!! Urgh...
Morgan also slept late today! She didn't wake up until 10:05! Sleepy head... RJ was up around 8:45... not too shabby for him either!
Swim class was fun today. Morgan choose to swim with MeMom and I got RJ! She listened better today and let MeMom hold her during the class. Last week she was Ms. Independent and wanted only to swim by herself the whole time! She is definitely enjoying the 'swim by herself' thing! We even got a bit of a longer class because the next class only had two little ones in it... so we got an extra twenty minutes or so until Morgan was done!
After we got home RJ fell asleep in the car for about an hour nap and I was sure Morgan would take a great nap... WRONG! She sang songs... everything from singing about going potty to twinkle twinkle, to her ABC's... for over two hours! Guess she wasn't going to go to sleep!!
RJ ate like crazy at supper... chicken and avocado... mmm! Morgan ate her beans (edamama) and a few bites of chicken. PLEASE EAT!!! Urgh...
Slight melt down for Morgan before bed... she drew with purple crayon on the carpet and our couch... time out... and she just couldn't pull it together so she went to bed a little bit early tonight... around 8:30 instead of 9:15! ...and she passed out immediately!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
I'm back!!
We are up and running!! Thank goodness! $250.00 later we have more computer memory, more RAM memory, a diagnostic run, and labor... This computer better be worth it!!

The previous blogs were pre-written on paper and transposed so that I didn't fall behind!
Today was a fun day!! This morning Uncle Andy came over and Morgan had so much fun playing with him!! I think she wore him out! Lots of playdoh play! Morgan adores Uncle Andy!!
Tonight we met up with friends and headed to Red Robin for supper then we went to a local carnival. The kids were very well behaved at supper except for when a waiter ran smack into Morgan and flattened her... and he kept going... it may have been her fault, but the waiter could have made sure she was ok, right? She was fine of course... just a little scared. At the carnival Morgan played a few kiddie games and went on a couple carnival rides... then we went and listened to Crystal Roxx band. Daddy said they were a band he listened to in college, I don't remember them though... they were pretty good. RJ fell asleep nursing while we were sitting listening and Morgan was having fun dancing with her Daddy!
We got home around 11 so bed for all!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Rainy Thursday
Rain....rain...rain! Today was a rain day for most of the day and dreary for the rest! Our grass likes it but that means we were stuck inside all day!
Saw one of my private clients today. Morgan loves playing with Leah! She has lots of fun! Aunt Abby came over later in the afternoon. I was so excited to visit with her! I'm sooo excited that she has moved about 25 minutes away... from living in Virginia!! I have missed her! She looks beautiful carrying little baby boy!!
RJ is amazing me more everyday! He is pulling up like a champ and is cruising along furniture. He has even let go while standing for a few seconds before landing on his padded rump! He is also figuring out how to play with toys! Cause and effect!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Spur of the moment b/c of the rain on Tuesday I decided to take the kiddos to the park before heading to MeMom's to do online bills (our computer is sick and at the doctor). What did we do before computers? I called a few friends to see if they would all like to join us! I knew it was a long shot b/c it was spur of the moment, but Bethanne and her girls were free and met us at a local park! I had never been there before, just seen it... and it was great! Hannah, Angela and Morgan had a blast! Even RJ got to ride in a swing for a little bit!! Energy release after a rain day!! There were 6 slides, a small rock wall and swings. When we were leaving and got into the car Morgan said, "I am soooo hot. Please put my window down Momma. RJ is hot too Momma, put his window down too."
On the way home Morgan said, "I like playing with Angela and Hannah."
On the way home Morgan said, "I like playing with Angela and Hannah."
After we got home from playing and writing bills Morgan helped me make a crockpot meal for supper. She loved helping! I cut everything and she put the pieces in the pot and 'stirred' all the ingredients.
After RJ's 1 hour nap and Morgan's 2.5 hour nap we packed up and went to the pool. Morgan wore her floaty and had a blast! RJ chilled hanging out in my arms while Morgan swam around in her terms, "All by myself!" The water was a bit chilly and Morgan looked like an ice cube by the time we got out! But... she was nice and tired out and had a blast! We got home around 8:30, ate supper and soon after bed for the kiddos!
We had a great day!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hopefully be in action soon... Computer is sick and at the doctor. Don't give up hope! I'll miss writing as much as you'll miss reading. Hugs!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Megan's shower was a huge success!!! She was 100% surprised! Finally no more secrets! This past week was soooo busy... helping mom get stuff ready for the shower and getting my entire house 'tour' ready was exhausting!! It was all worth it! Aunt Megan came in with a handful of stuff and was not dressed for the occasion... dressed to get down and dirty with my cherubs!
She got of nice things from pots and pans to fine china to champagne and wedding lingerie!
There was plenty of food and lots of wonderful conversation! It is nice to just have time to chat with relatives that we don't see very often!
Friday, July 17, 2009
But Wwwwhere?
But Where? But Where? But Where? Morgan's new favorite phrase!!
Here is one 'But Where' conversation:
"I see a yellow jeep."
"But Where?"
"In front of us"
"But Where?"
"On the road"
"Oh...on the road"
"But where..."
Another 'But Where' conversation:
"I hear something"
"That is a lawn mower"
"But Where?"
"It is outside"
"But Where?"
"In the front yard"
"But Where?"
"Come and look out the front door"
Here is one 'But Where' conversation:
"I see a yellow jeep."
"But Where?"
"In front of us"
"But Where?"
"On the road"
"Oh...on the road"
"But where..."
Another 'But Where' conversation:
"I hear something"
"That is a lawn mower"
"But Where?"
"It is outside"
"But Where?"
"In the front yard"
"But Where?"
"Come and look out the front door"

The kids got their photos taken tonight! I got a free coupon for a free 8x10, 2 5x7's and 8 wallets with no sitting fee from Picture People! Love them!! They get the best pictures!!! I tried so many places when Morgan was little and the best pictures and most affordable prices came from Picture People! So...I have stuck with them for all my pictures!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Aunt Melanie...
Don't you miss your baby girl?? She was wondering if you were going to call and check on her? She told Morgan and RJ she loves it here and loves all her sleepovers! RJ said that Carleigh even said, "Momma who? I love my Aunt Beth and Uncle Bob!" Carleigh did tell Morgan she wishes she could come into the main house, but Morgan tried to explain to her that she is toooooo dirty and hairy to come in right now!! She didn't really understand though... and still tries to come in every time a door opens! Overall she has been enjoying herself!! (No need to call now Aunt Melanie... we'll see you in a few days!!)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Teeth...not RJ's teeth...he still has none... Morgan's 2-year-old molars... she is closer to 3 than 2 but one of her molars has decided to show up! It has made her a little whiney and grumpy the last few days. She also got a low grade fever and a funky teeth rash that started on her rump. Gotta love teeth!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fair -- Picking -- Friends -- Walk
We had a great Saturday!! We went to a craft fair after the kiddos got up. It was a lot of fun. There were crafters but also live entertainment (singers), a man with a pet monkey that had a routine he did with his monkey, book signers, and a miniature pony walking around that kids could pet. Did I mention the balloon man?
Morgan liked watching the monkey act for about five minutes until her attention span was shot.
She was SCARED to death of the marionettes!! She was running away screaming every time she saw one move! She isn't scared of much so to see her scared of a doll on strings... maybe b/c they were actually odd looking creatures? Daddy got told not to 'antagonize' her by the marionette maker! I thought it was kind of funny... I know that's mean... but I'm the Momma... does that count for anything?
She loved getting her Elmo balloon hat! It lasted for the rest of the fair and then I broke it a little bit in the car ride to the orchard... I felt terrible... Morgan was pulling and prodding at it and then handed it to me and I was just holding it and one of the pieces popped... tears everywhere! I'm sorry peanut, I didn't mean to!! Really it was an accident and I am sorry!!
She loved petting the pony! She wanted to stay and pet her and pet her and pet her! We had to pull her away! The pony was a perfect size for her!! She was talking to the pony and to us about the pony. Her vocabulary is getting more and more amazing!
We got a book signed for her. It's called A Tale of Two Dogs. We got it b/c we looked at the first couple pages and realized that the dog's name was Morgan. How could we resist? (Side note... when we got home and read the book to her the second dog's name was Peanut! How perfect a book for her!! We couldn't believe it had both her names in it!!)
After our fun at the fair we decided to go pick blueberries from a nearby orchard. It was a blast!
We had this talk with Morgan every five minutes:
Momma: "Are we supposed to pick white ones?"
Morgan: "No"
Momma: "Are we supposed to pick red ones?"
Morgan: "No"
Momma: "What color do we pick?"
Morgan: "Blue ones."
Momma: "Do we pick them up off the ground?"
Morgan: "No"
Morgan really had fun picking them!! She did a pretty good job too! I had to 'weed' through hers just to make sure she picked blue ones, but she picked mostly good (yummy) ones! Only a few blue stains on her shorts... par for the course!
After picking our blueberries we headed home. Our good friends asked if they could come over for supper. We were so happy to visit with them! We miss them a bunch and Morgan and Claire get along great!! We ordered in from Red Robin!! Claire, Zandi and Morgan ate some mac-n-cheese, some corn and some blueberries. Then it was the adults turn!
After Uncle Sean, Aunt Jo, Claire and Zandi headed home we took a walk around the neighborhood. Morgan walked and jumped and skipped and made Daddy and I exhausted just watching her! RJ fell asleep in the stroller before we even got out of the driveway...
What a wonderful fun filled day!
p.s. RJ was with us all day too... somehow we didn't get any pictures of him! Sorry bubba!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Do I believe my eyes?
I finally went back to the eye doctor today (my last visit was two years ago). My eyes got a bit worse, but not too bad... so says the doctor. I would call myself pretty blind without my contacts or glasses, but guess the doc knows best!! MeMom was nice enough to watch the kiddos while I went out. Morgan and RJ just adore their grandparents. I hope they continue to keep a tight bond with them. I was very lucky to have my Mom-Mom live with me as long as I could remember until she passed away. That was very special for me!!
RJ loves to climb... on anything and everything! I caught him in the act in these pictures! I forsee lots of bumps and bruises!!
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